Hi, user! Welcome to the Discord modding project backup archive.

Everything in the "auto" directory is updated automatically every day +- 12 hours by the script which can be found at https://gist.github.com/lexisother/164b4a4d246efc20ba25a2476f117864. These files aren't checked by the server administrators and as such can theoretically be incomplete if the maintainer of a project erases some of the data on the upstream. The list of currently indexed projects which are automatically backed up can be found at https://gist.github.com/lexisother/164b4a4d246efc20ba25a2476f117864#file-data-json.

Every other file and directory has been created and downloaded by hand (typically by recovering a project's files after its death) and is not updated regularly.

No files are deleted automatically.

Most of the data stored in this archive are bare Git repositories. After downloading a *.git.tar archive (they aren't compressed because Git already does it) unpack it, the unpacked directory will contain a bare Git repository. Then run (not inside the unpacked directory!!!) git clone <path/to/repository> (yes, this is a local path), this will produce a normal local clone of the repository with a work tree. It is recommended though to perform recovery to a remote from the bare clone (in which case you have to cd into the bare repository or specify the git dir with --git-dir to perform any git commands) as metadata may be changed after cloning the repository locally.

Directory listings on this server can be obtained in a JSON format by prepending /__json__/ to the request path.

This archive is mostly maintained by lexisother. Contact lexisother <nylkvn@evfrhc.arg(rot13)> for further information.